Louisiana Claims Association
Baton Rouge Claims Association February Meeting
February 12, 2020
Location: Drusilla Seafood Restaurant
3482 Drusilla Lane, Unit D, Baton Rouge, LA
Phone: 225-923-0896
Time: 11:30 - Registration Noon - Meeting and Presentation
Speaker: Sherman Cravins of Southern Surveillance
CE (1) Credit for Liability/Property Adjusters and Workers’ Compensation Adjusters
Topic: “Exposing Malingers”
$25.00 for Members of BRCA and $30.00 for Non-Members
Please advise Lydia Oberle if you plan on attending –
LydiaOberle@Case-Experts.com or 225-772-7447
Reminder that dues for 2020 are needing to be paid to LCA
Address: LCA / P O Box 14806 / Baton Rouge, LA 70898
Phone: 225-291-2806
Email: LAlwood@aol.com